Dedicated to Cooks and Cooking
I am eager for more people to enjoy and become skilled in the preparation of their own food. The rewards are beyond measure, in my opinion. A few moments spent cooking or preparing a delicious concoction is calming and grounding; sometimes it can greatly improve the mood of a day or help you to clarify your thinking. So, here you will find ideas, services, people, places and gadgets that might inspire you to a greater enjoyment of cooking.
The Lure of a Farmhouse Kitchen
I think it’s the spacious feeling that appeals, that and the sense of being able to actually live in the kitchen, too. You know: sit and chat or read, set up your sewing machine or easel and work on your latest project. So I was delighted to contribute my two cents worth to this two-part collection of tips on How to Create a Farmhouse Kitchen. Just so you know, the farm is optional!
Cooking with Kids: An Age-by-Age Guide
Here is an article that appeared in RedTricycle, an online magazine for parents. I hope you enjoy the article and that you will find much to support, inform and delight you in the magazine!
Bookshops and Cookshops
Book Larder is a Seattle-based independent bookshop and is one of a handful of cookbook-dedicated shops in the Northern Hemisphere. I admire the focus (all things cookery) and persistence (open throughout the lock-down measures) of the very friendly team as well as the huge range of cookery books they supply.
I was fortunate that Book Larder hosted me and Spice Williams-Crosby in an online event to launch The Contented Vegan in the USA. We had an animated conversation led by Book Larder staff member, Meghna Jaradi, which you can listen to here.
But don’t stop there! Check out the Book Larder website for their blog, more talk events and news of the latest cuisine and cookery book releases.

THE CONTENTED VEGAN is a complete guide to the emerging vegan lifestyle. Based on two decades experience of raising a vegan family.
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