Episode 649
Bob started Go Vegan Radio twenty years ago and is celebrating the anniversary on every show this year. This is a good podcast to listen to on a long journey or while painting your front room. Expect a lengthy discussion, which sometimes means Bob is talking directly to you, the listener, while he waits for his guest to arrive. It’s great!
Bob wants people to hurry up and go vegan because, he says, ‘It solves everything!’ We had a wide-ranging conversation about the environment, animals, health and I think it would have included a meal if we had been on the same continent. We outlined a dream menu which seemed to include most of the recipes in The Contented Vegan.
Bob asked about the book’s title. I think I was able to convince him that ‘contented’ is a good feeling that helps people transition to a plant-based way of eating in a way that really suits them and their circumstances. When we get the feeling of contentment, we tend to stay with the way of eating for good.
Bob liked that I included a section called Thinking Deeper, which introduces some of the philosophical themes embedded in veganism. He seemed especially glad that I included a section called Dogs and Cats Go Vegan, because his little dog has made the switch to plant-based as well.
Bob is a natural radio star and a great host. Listen here!
By the way, I got a nice message from Spice Williams-Crosby, who shared the microphone with me at the Book Larder launch of my book. Here’s what she wrote:
‘I love your interview with Bob. I believe I was on his radio show many years ago. I met him when I was lecturing at the World Vegan Festival in 1997. That was the year Gregory and I were pitching our Spice of Life Meatless Meats and Jerky.’
Thanks Bob!

THE CONTENTED VEGAN is a complete guide to the emerging vegan lifestyle. Based on two decades experience of raising a vegan family.
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