It’s Tempeh-tation!
I love this! And so does my family – having just made two batches of their easy and oh-so-tasty tempeh, from scratch. Tempehtation UK is an authentic, health-focused company, creating organic, non GMO tempeh products that are simple to use at home.
“Our mission” they say “is to help everyone to make their own fresh tempeh, and to do this we have tempeh starter, dehulled soya beans & tempeh kits!” They’re based in Scotland, check out their website, below.
Lots of links to share with you… their website is here, YouTube channel here, Facebook page, Instagram page and Twitter.
It’s So Easy!
Here is how I make two blocks of tempeh at once: soak 500g of dried beans overnight, then drain and rinse them before tipping them into a large pan.

These are the cooked beans, fresh out of the pot!
1. Cook the Beans
Cover them with water and cook over a medium heat for about 40 minutes – until they are not quite tender enough to eat. Drain them again, tip into a large bowl or pan and cover with cold water.

Washing off the hulls.
2. Remove the Hulls
Roll up your sleeves and gently ‘wash’ the beans. As you scrub them, the hulls will separate from the bean. It is easy to scoop them away. You can add more water to help them float. Spend about ten minutes on this stage, clearing the hulls away little by little.

Drying the beans.
3. Dry the Cooked Beans
Drain the beans again and spread them onto a large towel, which you wrap around the beans. You can roll and squeeze the towel to absorb much of the water. Now spread the beans onto a clean tea towel, on a tray. You want the beans to be fully dry, so put the tray near a radiator, near a fan or simply be patient.
4. Add the Starter
Tip the beans into a bowl and stir in one Tablespoon of rice flour and three to five grams of tempeh starter. Mix well and immediately divide the mixture into small plastic zip-lock bags. Seal the bags and use a clean needle or toothpick to puncture holes at 3cm intervals on both sides of the bag.
5. Beans in a Sleeping Bag
Place the bags on a baking rack and cover with a towel. Place the rack in a warm place for about 24 hours. Check on them to see this amazing transformation!

Ready to saute!
6. Slice and Serve
After about 36 hours, the tempeh is ready and you can put it in the fridge, freeze it or use it up. In my family, a platter of freshly sauteed slices are marinated and served with other dishes. Warning: the tempeh has to be hidden so that it has time to marinate!

The TLT ready to eat!
Or saute the slices to make a warm TLT: Tempeh, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich to enjoy tempeh’s fresh, nutty flavour.
Thank you, Tempehtation!
Visit Tempehtation’s website for FAQs, Tutorials and many wonderful tips and suggestions.

THE CONTENTED VEGAN is a complete guide to the emerging vegan lifestyle. Based on two decades experience of raising a vegan family.
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